Thursday, May 10, 2007


In class you have been crafting vingnettes (small stories), capturing the essence of a particular memory to order to prepare for the writing of your narrative essay. Please post a BRIEF summary of the narrative including the thesis you wish to address.


Anonymous said...

Summary: In 12/2002, my grandpa dies and I leave to visit my grandma's house where my family and l participate in the funeral and mourn his death. This takes place over a week.

Thesis: Sadness and pain of a death of another, especially a person who's close to you.

Anonymous said...

Preview:I had just come from hanging out with my big sister. We had a great time eating and learning how to ice skate....and as i steped in I heard the clicking of nails trotting across the floor. I walked in and a little white puppy came to me from the livingroom. It sat down infront of me with its tail wagging....
Theesis:The best day of my life was when I found that the sound of nails trotting across the floor was my puppy.

Anonymous said...

In 5th grade, I was in an Orchestra Concert at the end of the year.I was supposed to stand up when I saw the conducter come out to the stage so that the rest of the orchestra knows to stand up in order to show respect for the conducter. I thought the conducter was going to come out so I stood up and so did many other people. Apparantly the conducter wasn't coming out so I had to sit back down right away along with about 15 other kids who had already stood up.

Thesis: One embarrassing moment in my life when I stood up at a concert when I wasn't supposed to.

Anonymous said...

Possibly a variety of embarrassing summer camp moments, the thesis of which woud be think twice before signing up for something you don't really want to do. My other idea would be the time when i was six and my parents went to a party on a boat, and I was at my house, but someone put my blanky in a closet nd i couldn't find it. There was a thunderstorm and the power went out and i thought my parents drowned but they didn't. Everyone lived happily temporarily after. The thesis of that would be always know where your blanky is. Or a might do throwing my friend a surprise party, or my other friend moving or...well I'm not exactly sure yet. I'm having a hard time picking just one.

Anonymous said...

my idea's are still "under construcion", but whats pretty high up on my list is the day that I found out my parents were getting divorced. It had a humongous impact on who I am today. A thesis is still not quite ready, though...

Anonymous said...

Summary: During field hockey season, we tied a game against an extremely tough team, and they were anything but nice. There were a group of five girls on the opposing team that kept pushing me over (illegally) or tripping me on purpose by hooking my ankle. The parents, who can never get their story straight, thought I was taking dives on purpose to draw penalties for us. After the game, I was sitting with my friends when one of the mean girls from the other team, her mom, and her dad walked by and her mom said, "God, how many times do you have to fall down before you get taken out?" So I turned around and said "I'm sitting right here so if you're gonna talk about me say it to my face."

Thesis: Stick up for yourself no matter who it's against.

P.S. It felt really good! :-)

Anonymous said...

Thesis: Everyone says that you will have to make life altering decisions throughout your life but one crucial one was made for me resulting in the worst day of my life.

Summary: Although I wasn’t old enough to grasp the concept of death, my grandmother had died and one side of my family was left in shambles because the glue that had kept that part of my family together for so long had finally broken. This was one memory seems like anything but because of the constant presence and conflict that followed. While immersed in the loss of his wife, my grandfather soon found another woman to pick up the pieces and try to be, as best she could, a new glue but all she seemed to do was spread the pieces farther and farther apart until the only pieces that seemed to be stuck together was them.

Anonymous said...

- I don't feel as if my life has been long and eventful enough to write a memoir, however, I suppose realizing just a fraction of what we, as humans, have created as a history, would be a very important day in my life.

Thesis: The most important day of my life would be realizing capabilites of sentience, e.g. , civilization.

Anonymous said...

When I used to live in NJ, we had a nice lawn in the back with rabbits jumping around and such. For some reason, I decided it would be nice to catch one of these rabbits. I, for whatever reason, decided to use a laundry basket and whenver I saw a rabbit in the back lawn, I would rush out the patio door and try to sneak up to the rabbit and catch. Obviously, I never did. But I had a lot of fun in the attempt. I guess it would be something along the lines of because I didn't have much work or "responsibilities" at that time and such that made that time in my life fun.

Anonymous said...

for my comment above though, I am still thinking about a final thesis, and I probably won't use that one. I used it to create a basic idea of what I will probably write about.)

Anonymous said...

Thesis- The scariest thing i've ever done was jumping off an 80 foot tree

Summary-At camp i jumped off an 80 foot tall tree attached with a harness to a zipline but before the zipline caught and sent me "zipping" over 100 feet over pure thorns, trees, and nettles there was a 15 foot dead drop

Anonymous said...

summary: About two years ago, I was at an away ice hockey rink for a game. Pre-game, I had a sudden urge to go to the bathroom. There only seemed to be one bathroom in the place without a sign, so I ran in. As I can out to wash my hands, a man was staring at me. That was then i realized I had used the boys bathroom. I walked out with my brain completely mortified, but I kept my pride and held my head up regardless of this ridiculously embarrasing mistake.

Thesis: don't let anything inflict your dignity, regardless of the most hair-curling incidents.

Anonymous said...

one of my most "memorable" events was my first real race. i was placed in the varsity four because the person couldn't come. within the span of 5 minuets had had gone through different phases, at first fear, then adrenlin rushes, and finally the tast of victory. we ended up getting second by less than a second though. my thesis would have to be: it is amazing how you can be so happy while in so much pain.

Anonymous said...

I'm not exactly sure what to write my essay on. All the things i have written and begun to explore in my journal are really deeply personal and things i wouldn't want my peers to read about.

But i do have a few ideas to expand upon and i'm having a really good time writing about them. If you can give me a bit of an idea on which type of memory or experience you would prefer we write about, it would be a little easier.


Anonymous said...

Summary: A few years ago my brother and I were visiting our Aunt and Uncle up in New Hampshire. My brother had just turned 16 and for a present my mother bought him a 4 wheeler. It was a red, two seater which my brother and I loved to take rides on. One day while having breakfast with my family, I watched my brother through the clear glass window. It was snowing again that day and my cousin, Micheal, came over to ride his own 4 wheeler up and down their private street. Before we knew it we heard Micheal shouting for someone to come out and help! My brother had accidently flipped his 4 wheeler over into a ditch. Amazingly his head and torso were protected because of the indention in the ditch.

Thesis: Always remember to be safely protected if ever using motorized vehicles outside.

Anonymous said...

In Third grade, my teacher just gave us a packet every day. When we finished, we could do whatever until one day somebody went out of control. After that, we had to just sit still after we finished. One day, I got bored and went to the bathroom. I jumped on a vent and peeked out a window. I saw that i could fit in the window and jump down. I tried it and had fun(later the principal told me it was 9 feet high). After doing it 12 times, one of my firends wanted to see because i always needed somebody to open a door for me. That time, teacher saw me on the way down and took me to the office. When i got there, i lied to her and made up a story. After investigating for a week, she found out that i really did it. I was given an in school suspension. Not for the jump, but for lying to her and wasting her time during investigation. Now I've learned that: "people always lie when they know that consequences are huge."

Anonymous said...

Summary: I had just become a Barmitzvah and my family and friends had come to congradulate me. It was a joyful occassion for my whole family.

Thesis: The best day of my life, was the day I had become a Barmitzvah.

Anonymous said...

It was March of first grade and my mom got a call to come to the hospital immediatedly because something was wrong with my 1 year, 3 month old sister. My brother and I, in the meantime, went with some friends during the time that my parents were at the hospital. The whole time, I kept saying to mydelf, over and over again that nothing was wrong when in the pit of my stomach something was telling me that something bad had happened. When we got home, 3 hours later, my parents had to break the bad news to my brother and I that our sister had died due to SYDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). She has stopped breathing in her sleep at daycare and the babysitter had not come to her soon enough. That morning that we dropped her off was the last time that I ever saw her. A few days later, the funneral took place and there was a big gathering at my house, that people came to pay their condolences to us. When everyone left for the funneral, my brother and I sayed at home with a friend and even our principal came by to say he was sorry. That was to most traumatic and saddest day of my life, when my baby sister, Maya, died.

The day ends, but life goes on; you may wish for it to be all over but even the death of a family member cannot bring you down.

<3 Ayelet